A documentary network, initially set up between the various Cité Descartes establishments, comprising joint documentation services, COMUE (community of universities and establishments) member-establishment document centres and libraries, focuses on documentary questions related to several themes:
This pooling of initiatives and resources plays a significant role in the quality of the documentary offer proposed to the COMUE student, researcher and teacher community.
6-8 avenue Blaise-Pascal
Cité Descartes / Champs-sur-Marne
77455 Marne- la- Vallée cedex 2
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 64 15 30 00
Head of Documentation, Archives and Heritage:
Isabelle Gautheron
Research services:
Research services, open archives:
Frédérique Bordignon
Florence Rieu-Lecerf
Electronic resources:
Romain Boistel
La Source:
Marie-Laure Paré
Charles Riondet
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)
Organisations, Markets, Institutions (OMI)
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
60 Boulevard de la Villette
75019 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 38 50 00
Head of Documentary Services:
Denis Joudelat
01 53 38 50 40
IPRAUS (UMR AUSser) Head of Documentary Services :
Pascal Fort
01 53 38 50 59
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
7, Avenue du Général de Gaulle
94704 Maisons-ALFORT Cedex
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 43 96 71 00
Head of Documentary Services:
Sandrine Haon
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Life and Health Sciences (SVS)
28, avenue du Président Wilson
94234 Cachan Cedex
Tel. : +33 (0)1 49 08 46 50
Head of Documentary Services:
Camille Tête-David
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
Campus Centre
61 avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 17 70 12
Head of Documentary Services:
Cécile Bajard
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Cultures and Societies (CS)
Organisations, Markets, Institutions (OMI)
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
Life and Health Sciences (SVS)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
5 boulevard Descartes
77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex2
Tel. : +33 (0)1 60 95 75 00
Head of Documentary Services:
Christine Stotzenbach
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Cultures and Societies (CS)
Organisations, Markets, Institutions (OMI)
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
Cité Descartes - Boulevard Newton
77447 Champs-sur-Marne Cedex 2
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 40 43 50 00
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
12 avenue Blaise-Pascal
Cité Descartes - Champs-sur-Marne
77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Tel. : +33 (0)1 60 95 84 38
Head of Documentary Services:
Estelle Dietrich
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
80 rue Rébeval
75019 Paris
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 56 02 61 00
Head of Documentary Services:
Aurélie Tordjman
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Science, Engineering and the Environment (SIE)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
6-8 avenue Blaise-Pascal
Cité Descartes - Champs-sur-Marne
77455 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 64 15 30 01
Head of Documentary Services:
Documentary service website, practical information and opening times:
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)
City, Transport and Territories (VTT)
Cité Descartes
2 boulevard Blaise Pascal - BP 99
Tel. +33 (0)1 45 92 65 00
Doctoral schools concerned by documentary collection subjects:
Mathematics and ICTS (MSTIC)