Application, registration and re-registration

Registration in the first year of the doctorate is decided upon, in accordance with Article 11 of the Order of 25 May 2016, by the head/management of the institution, on the proposal of the management of the doctoral school concerned, after the thesis supervisor and the management of the laboratory or research team have given their opinion on the quality of the project and the conditions of its implementation.

Foreign candidate: you must hold a scientific residence permit from a third-party country or a residence permit. For more details, contact acc&ss Paris-Est.
Doctoral contract candidate: you should finalize your registration rapidly so as not to delay initiating your doctoral contract required for paying your salary.

How to apply and the admission process

Any person wishing to benefit from doctoral training provided by one of the member institutions of the Paris-Est Sup site must submit an application file to the ADUM (unique and shared doctoral access) database.

As soon as a complete application file is submitted to ADUM, the management of the Doctoral School, in order to prepare its proposal, identifies its first choice of registering institution according to the following decision-making process:

Where the applicant is directly funded by one of the co-accredited institutions, that institution is proposed as the first choice. In this respect, funding from a foundation directly linked to that institution is considered as direct funding from that institution. However, when the funding comes from a research agreement (e.g. ANR contract, European contract, medical foundation, etc.), it is not considered as direct funding.

When the candidate is not directly funded by one of the co-accredited institutions, the institution of the thesis supervisor is proposed as a first choice if it is one of the co-accredited institutions.

When you submit your application file to the ADUM database, you will be informed about this identification process and the criteria on which it is based. There is an ad hoc form for you to make any comments regarding your application, including comments about the institution to which your registration could be proposed.

Your administrative situation is attached to three entities:

  • The laboratory: You choose a laboratory in agreement with the thesis supervisor, who has agreed to supervise you in your research work (The links to the various laboratories are attached to the various doctoral schools)
  • The doctoral school: The laboratory is attached to a doctoral school.  The 6 doctoral schools on the site are cross-disciplinary and cover a broad scientific spectrum: Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment and Health (ABIES); Cultures and Societies (CS); Mathematics and ICST (MSTIC); Organisations, Markets, Institutions (OMI); Public Health (SP); Science, Engineering and Environment (SIE); Life and Health Sciences (SVS); City, Transport and Territories (VTT).
  • Thesis registering institution: 5 institutions are accredited to issue the national Doctorate qualification: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, Université Gustave Eiffel, the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, the École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort and Université Paris-Est (Université Paris-Est does not register first-time students).

Attachment to one of these institutions is based on the proposal of the thesis supervisor and the agreement of the laboratory and doctoral school management teams according to the pre-established criteria set out above.

The doctoral school management proposes the registration to the head of the prospective institution. The head of the institution validates the registration proposal (or not) and notifies the doctoral school management and the applicant of the decision taken.

This whole process via ADUM is completely paperless.


It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the laboratory director of their choice by sending them:

  • a one-to-two page thesis project
  • detailed CV
  • copies of diplomas obtained

Consult the list of host teams

After obtaining agreements in principle from your future thesis supervisor and your future laboratory director, you need to create your account in ADUM to formalise your application.

Your application must be formally validated via ADUM by your thesis supervisor, who is a holder of the Accreditation to Supervise Research, and by the management of the host laboratory attached to the chosen doctoral school.

Without these validations, your application will not be admissible.

  • Create your account on the ADUM education management website.
  • Complete all sections: last name, first name, marital status, personal details (please enter your personal email address which will be the primary means of contact during and after your thesis), programme, latest diplomas, etc.
  • Enter thesis financing planned over 3 years, research unit, thesis subject, thesis supervisor
  • Prepare the documents requested by your doctoral school in a single PDF file.
  • Select the thesis year and the Academy - Créteil Academy, and the doctoral school to which you are attached.
  • Finalise your online application by clicking on: Submit my application.

You will receive confirmation of submission of your application in your personal area, with a submission number and date.

Please note: You must submit your application BEFORE the deadline published on your doctoral school's website

As soon as you submit your application, it will be visible in the interface of the doctoral school, which will get back to you if necessary (make sure you provide a contact address that you check regularly).

The doctoral school examines applications in accordance with its internal regulations and proposes the selected applications to the future registering institution, defined according to the stated criteria, for administrative registration.

As soon as the application review process at the doctoral school is completed, you will be notified by e-mail of the result: your application is accepted or rejected.

If it is accepted, you will need to finalise your registration process by submitting the additional information required for your administrative registration via ADUM.

If the head of the institution approves your application, you will be notified by e-mail via ADUM.

The relevant education department (of Université Gustave Eiffel, Université Paris-Est Créteil or the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) will also be informed in order to finalise your administrative registration.

The notification e-mail will describe the process to follow in order to finalise your registration.

You must then:

  1. pay the "Student and Campus Life" contribution (CVEC): 92 euros. This step is compulsory to be able to pay your registration fees.
  2. pay your 2021/2022 registration fees: 380 euros

Once your application has been registered and you have paid your registration fees, Université Paris-Est education department will edit your student card and registration confirmation.

Please note, your registration is subject to payment of the "Student and Campus Life" contribution (CVEC) and your registration fees. The registering institution will validate your administrative registration definitively in ADUM after receiving notification of your payment from the education department.

Your point of contact during this step is the administrative management assistant at your doctoral school.

How to re-register

You are a doctoral student at one of our doctoral schools and you have finalised your academic registration with the doctoral school to which you are attached. Please contact the education department at your host institution regarding your administrative re-registration.