Call for projects

About the call for start-up projects

From its budget, Paris-Est Sup will finance projects intended to generate new cooperations between its members and associates, providing a total amount of 200,000 euros.

The support granted to each project by Paris-Est Sup will be a maximum amount of 50,000 euros, for a period of 12 to 18 months, with expenditure taking place between March 2022 and summer 2023.

Aims of the call for projects

The aim of this call for projects is to initiate innovative projects and stimulate new cooperations within the Paris-Est site, at three interfaces:

  • geographical (Créteil & Maisons-Alfort / Champs-sur-Marne / other sites in eastern Paris, not exclusive),
  • thematic (see below),
  • institutional (nature of the institutions: institutions whose mission is a higher education and research mission / other institutions).

More specifically, the intention is to fund a closer relationship between academic and scientific activities and to help new communities form. The aim is to initiate new cooperations, which are not necessarily required to produce their own output at this stage (although that is not precluded).

The projects to be funded must involve at least two entities attached to two different institutions, at one of the three aforementioned interfaces at least. These projects must be innovative in nature compared to the usual work done, especially if several entities submitting a joint application are already working together.

The projects funded must be relevant to the strategies of Paris-Est Sup members and associates, for which those parties wish to increase their cooperation. The following themes are encouraged:

  • Digital and data
  • Health
  • City
  • Public policy
  • Environment
  • Risks
  • Sustainability

This list is not exhaustive. Projects located at geographical and institutional interfaces that could generate new cooperations will be examined with the greatest interest, particularly in the case of interaction between the humanities and social sciences and the "hard" sciences.

Application and assessment

Deadline for returning applications: 5 pm on Friday 22 October 2021.

Project support: entities that present a joint project must designate one of their number to be the project carrier. This project carrier must be part of a member or associate institution of the ComUE Paris-Est Sup (as a staff member with tenure or on a permanent contract)[1]. Their applications will be sent to the institution to which the project carrier belongs, which will then forward them to Paris-Est Sup according to its own procedures.

Eligible expenses: all, up to a maximum of 50,000 euros per project. It is nevertheless specified that the purpose of this call for proposals is to initiate new cooperation projects and not to fund additional staff expenses. Particular justification will be required if the aid is used mainly to fund staff expenses.

Submission of applications: applications are submitted via the online questionnaire following the appended template. The summary of the application will be sent to the project carrier's institution. Applications shall include a description of the project in 3,000 characters and keywords. They shall mention the disciplines involved and identify the interfaces (geographical, institutional and thematic) of the project, as well as the main expenses envisaged. Finally, they shall indicate the next steps expected for the project, after the initiation phase financed within the scope of this call for projects.

Timetable: the applications will be examined in January 2022 by the Paris-Est Sup Project Board, on the basis of two expert appraisals per project. Notification of results will be given in January 2022. The projects will be able to start in March 2022.

Selection criteria: scientific quality, situation of the project at the geographical, institutional and thematic interfaces, capacity to generate cooperation and expected next steps, ability to further the aims of this call for projects.

Project management: the administrative and financial management of the projects selected for Paris-Est Sup's 2021 call for projects must be carried out by one or more of its members and associates according to the budgetary distribution that will be specified in the funding agreement. Given the specific nature of the funding, no management fees may be applied.

At the deadline for receipt of applications, the member institutions of the Comue will be: ENPC, ENVA, UGE, UPEC; the associate institutions will be: Anses, AP-HP, CHIC, CSTB, EFS, ENSAPB, ESTP, FCBA, IGN, Inserm, LRMH, SPF.

Submit an application

Délai de retour des candidatures : mercredi 6 novembre 2024 à 17h.

  • Les laboratoires qui ne sont pas membres de la ComUE sont-ils éligibles à l'appel à projets ?

L'objectif de l'appel à projets « Amorçage » de la ComUE Paris-Est Sup est de susciter des collaborations et une dynamique entre les membres d'Université Paris-Est. Les laboratoires extérieurs ne sont donc pas éligibles. Toutefois un membre extérieur à la ComUE peut participer à un projet, si sa compétence est indispensable, mais aucun financement ne sera attribué à son laboratoire.

  • Que signifie l'interface géographique ?

L'appel à projets « Amorçage » vise à stimuler des coopérations entre des laboratoires qui ne sont pas sur le même campus, par exemple entre un laboratoire situé à Créteil et un à Champs-sur-Marne.

For any questions: